It’s that time of the year again. Just as for 2014, I have resolutions to face from last December and new ones I want to set for myself.
Let’s see how I did this year.
Health: my gym training fell off the wagon in Q4. Too much work, too busy and trust me, I could not make the time as I was either on a plane of chair-bound for hours. I developed melasma but I’m treating it so all in all my skin is good and my overall physical condition is too. Phew.
Work: this was quite probably the most prolific year career-wise. Filled with interesting jobs, new clients, excellent recommendations, invites and opportunities. I felt like I was doing something well and I was being repaid for it! There’s work to be done still – I haven’t translated a book yet! – and the sky’s the limit. Professional development, mentoring & experiences was also a big part of my work-related life. Plus, among the highlights:
- I’ve been flying on private jet
- I’ve given a keynote talk at the European Commission
- I was chosen to give 2 presentations at #ATA56
- I have worked with massively major clients who found me just via word-of-mouth and thanks to my online presence
- I’ve started being a mentor for APTRAD
- I’ve launched TSF (see below)
- I’ve run several Rainy Branding projects
- I’ve been invited to a local school to talk about the profession to young girls
- I’ve created partnerships, given webinars and lessons…
#chipiùnehapiùnemetta. I’m very proud.
Blogging: my extra-curricular activity of the year was TSF. I am far from having achieved what I wanted – and the next few months ahead should write a next chapter in this story – but I launched it. I managed to stick to it despite the avalanche of work I had and I persevered, achieving at least what I always wanted it to be: a blog on style by a busy freelancer who is no makeup artist nor super wealthy, willing to inspire others on how to find their voice and express their personality in style, while being respected and successful and professional as an entrepreneur in this modern world. #quiteamouthful
Family and life: I have dedicated more time to those I care for. Or I think I did – just let me know if I didn’t do justice to you. Also, I can say I have got to know better several people who are now true friends in the making – and I won’t name names, but it was refreshing to see how much I was able to inspire doing so little for many of them and how they could make me feel whole for doing it. Thank you. I am who I am also because of you. You know who you are. Browse our , with a variety of options to suit every taste and budget, available to buy online.
Travel: this year I’ve visited my dream destination, Japan. Far from being covered, I plan to go back for more! And in between, I’ve been to Mantua, Oslo, Faro, Mannheim, Warsaw, Budapest, Zagreb, Vigo, Madrid, Barcelona, Miami, Sevilla… just to mention some. I’m about to leave for Dubai for a week (!) so life, travel-wise, has been pretty d**n good to me.
Fashion: I think I have managed to tick some of my fashion boxes, because of the many recent acquisitions in the outfit and accessories department – yeah, mainly over Xmas – and I’m gladly owning a style of my own (I think!). Great stuff for a stylish freelancer who wants to help others, right? 😀
Among my faves of 2015:
- Jimmy Choo Hoops sandals
- Saint Laurent Cabas bag
- Burberry Trench Coat
- Hervé Léger skirt
- J. Crew pashmina
- iPhone 6s
- Smythson diary
- Marchesa Notte sequined dress
- Hobbs red dress
- Souleiado sandals
- Panama hat
- Chanel brooch
- Anything from Lulu Lemon!
All in all, I think I’ve managed to tick most of the boxes I set myself last December. I – alas – had no time to even *buy* a Portuguese book to start polishing my language. It’s a big regret, but I’m still young and promising #whoamIkidding
Have a look at TSF’s Instagram for a gallery of my best shots.
My resolutions for 2016?
Health: I need to focus more. My health really affects my mood and if I don’t train, I feel bad. So, it’s a circle: I need to! Of course I cannot possibly be 100% all year round – I need my pizza too. I plan to keep seeing my trainer – a saint by now, thanks for bearing with me on my most ungodly moods.
Work: I’ve got a couple of big clients at hand so I’ll see how these projects develop but if all goes to plan, they may keep me busy for a while. The idea is “better and more” – so the hunt for new clients never stops, really. A new website for @rainylondon is in the pipeline – and it’s been for years, alas – so I hope to do that and take it from there. I’d love to translate a book and I’ll certainly write one (to start with) as well as working more with TSF to consult, help and make people happy and practically stylish. More collaborations? Yes, that’s also the key for the new year.
Family, life, friends: I want to spend time with my parents, even though they can be a piece of work. As my dad retires in April, I foresee more spare time to plan cool things (and to exercise tantric patience). I’ve got in mind a couple of annual reunions with friends who live far – that’s a new habit we’ve developed in recent years – as well as keeping in touch with those who I never get to see. I promise, I’ll write more!
I want to keep inspiring people as I am told I’ve been doing so far: with my work, with words, with ideas, with consulting, with just a smile. These are your words, mind you. I love you for that, I cannot express how whole this makes me feel – *teary eyes*
Travel: honestly, I need to go to MEXICO! It’s been on my top 3 for a while and as I’ve done Thailand and Japan, well, that’s next in line. And despite not being to go there for work – I wish! – I would like to see Washington, Peru, Bali, the Baltics, Finland, Barbados… not necessarily all in 2016!
Fashion: I still have a few must-have on my wishlist… #staytuned
Misc: I want to learn Swedish! Yes, I’ve got a soft spot for this guy, Alexander Skarsgård. And read more in my own language…
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