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    Business Life

    Work it!

    17th September 2015

    We talked about travelling: interpreters may or may not travel a lot, and I’ve seen both categories. Translators though, are by definition, something more of a sedentary bunch of people, just as most freelancers who work in an office (or in any case, in a seated position for more than 1 hr a day…) Yet, one way to be really a #StylishFreelancer is by being aware: being aware that first and foremost we function because our body functions and we can only work if we make sure our body is in shipshape conditions to let us do so. Like burning the midnight oil? Are you an early riser? No matter what is the way you organise your working hours, there always should be room for what your body tells you. And mine, when I turned 30, told me I needed to be in better shape. A cry, a roar, that I for too long wanted to ignore then became unavoidable and painful to let go. That’s when I decided to start training after 15 years of next-to-zero exercise. It may not be for everyone and hey – I hear you! But it’s a need, just like eating or sleeping. The nature of freelancing gives us the power to be flexible. Trust me: if I wasn’t exercising before it was only because of the excuses I was feeding myself with. And I urge you to start now. Include it in your routine, take a stand, make a change and be a busylancer, freelancer and fitlancer.

    Like burning the midnight oil? Are you an early riser? No matter what’s the way you organise your working hours, there always should be room for what your body tells you.

    How do I keep fit? 9 tips.

    1. I drink a lot. Like a LOT. Like in 3 litres per day.

    2. I keep a diary – I’m using My Fitness Pal at the moment

    3. I follow a gym plan for me – it may help seeing a trainer. Mine is able to teach, support and motivate me constantly to overcome my limits and myself. I’m not a competitive person, despite what others can think. In fact, I hate feeling the pressure with others but boy, am I tough on myself. I’ve been training for 3 years now, 5 times a week and my goal is very clear…

    4. I know now that sleeping is a must-do. May sound clichey, but I need at least 8 hrs.


    5. My music motivates me: currently running and training with Kings of Leon.

    6. I’ve established a routine – and I just do it. At the moment, it’s about training at 8.30 in the morning. Rain or shine.


    7. I have a goal – you can use Instagram for it. I suggest you follow Sara on #thehealthyfreelancer if you’re into yoga.

    8. I have found exercises to do at work: the options are many and IG comes to the rescue again. My fave is Emily Skye but also Kayla is good – and after all, it’s just a start. Carve out 20 minutes a day and do IT.

    9. I love results. I won’t tell you now about the weight I lost or if my body fat went down or up, or what foods I eat or steer clear from (hey, maybe in another post!) but if you establish results,… they drive you.

    MAKE TIME. Did I say that?

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    And you? What do you do?

    And I urge you to start now.