Daily Archives

20th December 2015

    Fashion Life Style

    Things of the past, things for the future.

    20th December 2015

    The past and the future often are intertwined.

    I thought I would wait for Thursday, the usual day posts are published, but today something happened that pushed me to write. When I was 18 and careless, my parents decided to throw a party for me. I was thrilled: I invited my friends and I chose a special outfit (which, I still remember, was a pair of skinny black trousers and a velvety, backless top that btw I still own). My father has always been a lover of great watches – and over the years he has been collecting quite a few, from Blancpain to Tissot, to Rolex. So it came not as a big surprise to me when they decided to give me something to keep when I turned 18.

    My first-ever (and only) watch was a small, second-hand, automatic Rolex: night blue case, silver bezel and stainless steel strap, it looked simple and classy,  just perfect for a small-wristed person like me. Probably the most expensive item I’d ever owned, looking back, I realise I could not quite grasp the value of it at the time – the year 2000.

    Fastforward a few years, and 2003 was the year of my Erasmus. Mum was worried I’d lose the watch so I left for Spain without it. By the time I was back, my parent had been travelling and were away for months on end so they opted for hiding the watch somewhere in the house to avoid theft. Well, – to cut the story short – so well that… we could not find the Rolex ever again. Tears were cried, sadness followed, and well, the watch never came to the surface again. In the meantime, it was 2005. And my parents decided it was time for me to say goodbye to the memory and get a new watch – a Tissot.

    Fastforward to 2012, Xmas time. My mum always makes sure I have got a small present to open under the tree – and that year I received a book, a cute scarf and a bag. Plus the mysterious small box. I carefully opened it to discover a velvety pouch. “You shouldn’t have, mum! You already got me so many nice presents!” I uttered while fidgeting with the pouch in my hands. To my greateast amazement, I cried: it was back. My Rolex was back. Or rather: it never had left! It had been sitting in a box above the fridge for a jaw-dropping 9 years. It felt really like Xmas this time!

    I’ve worn since then my watch with no fear – to the gym, to the beach, everywhere I went. It simply goes with everything, with every outfit and every occasion. Till last October: I was in Soho and I saw my Rolex fall to my feet, literally. The strap had broken loose and the case dropped down, onto the naked tar.

    It’s been two months of agony – thinking that my now 26-year-old Rolex was broken but I’m glad to confirm it’s been fixed in all its parts: new ring, new “original” strap and now fully operational.


    This anecdote may not mean much to you – I could have totally invested in a new watch. Yet, I believe in the power of object as symbols. This watch is a token, mainly from father to daughter, something that I know should be cherished and treasured and that probably would last for long after me. Objects can represent who you are too, and this item in its own way is – in a nutshell – who I am, with a look to the past, yet, projected to the future.

    The morale? Keep just a few, carefully selected accessories close to your heart – and they will be carrying a part of the life you lived into the future you still have ahead.


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